Tracy Bottiglieri

Jul 22, 20202 min

Summer of 2020 Bucket List

Our County School District has just announced that the Fall Semester will be virtual for all students. Many of your schools, whether public or private, may have done the same. Others have some type of a hybrid system they are planning to roll out, possibly involving in-school classes certain days, which are led by teachers that rotate from classroom to classroom while the students stay in place, and virtually-taught classes on other days. These are simply a taste of the ways our schools are trying to cope with keeping our students and staff safe while trying to educate our children in an equitable manner. While I am glad I am not the one who has to decide what is "best," I am also glad that I have a voice in the final decision through both my vote as a citizen and survey results as a school staff member. Just as the virus and rates of infection are ever-changing, the decision to stay in school or online is a fluid one.

A few qualities that have been personally challenging to me during the pandemic are my sense of patience and my ability to "roll with it." What about you? Have you learned something about yourself during the pandemic, either good or not so good? Please comment below.

I want to help make all of our lives a little more special as we extend our Virtual Living for longer than we had hoped. There are still plenty of things we can do while wearing masks and/or Social Distancing that can be fun for people of all ages. Plus - who isn't going to remember this summer? We should make special memories during this time, rather than simply surviving a pandemic!

I developed a list of fun, safe ideas and put them together in a Summer 2020 Bucket List for all of you. If you would like to post it in your home, simply click on the picture below to be linked to a printable pdf. I'm a very visual person, and as much as I don't like to waste paper and ink (my children will tell you I print out way too much!), I find that if I see the ideas in front of me on a daily basis, they are much more likely to happen.

